The Project
Measuring CCS enabled a thorough review of the current statistical analysis of the economic, cultural and social potential of the CCS in Europe and provide an up-to-date perspective of the sector in the EU.
This ambitious 2-year Pilot Project titled “Measuring the Cultural and Creative Sectors in the EU” began in mid-December 2020, with the purpose of elaborating a new statistical framework to measure the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) in the EU.
The Project worked closely with Eurostat, institutions from all Member States, and other cultural and creative organizations
to assess data sources currently available at international, national and industry level on culture and creative industries’ goods and services; and to rethink and propose new ways to fill gaps in the data created by the great technological changes witnessed in the last 20 years.
To offer an updated definition of the scope of the ‘Cultural and creative sectors’ with a clear statistical definition per single sector (including on-line services)
To develop a new methodology for capturing and quantifying on-line services per sector whether these are paid services, or financed by advertising and by data
To build a new statistical framework to allow better quantification of the CCS and comparability at EU level of all available data (existing data, and new data as resulting from the newly developed research), as well as a methodology for its regular monitoring
To provide updated economic figures on CCS at EU level in application of the proposed methodology