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The Measuring CCS Consortium publishes the Final Report
The Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) are amongst Europe’s most dynamic industries and are an important asset to generate economic growth and employment, as well as to foster social cohesion…
The Measuring CCS Consortium publishes the Final Report
facebooktwitterinstagramlinkedinfacebooktwitterinstagramlinkedinThe Measuring CCS Consortium publishes the Final Report The Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) are amongst Europe’s most dynamic...
Measuring CCS Final Report Factsheets are available here
facebooktwitterinstagramlinkedinfacebooktwitterinstagramlinkedinMeasuring CCS Final Report Factsheets are available here The Measuring CCS research content, along with a set of recommendations, has...
The Measuring CCS Consortium will host an online Final Event
facebooktwitterinstagramlinkedinfacebooktwitterinstagramlinkedinThe Measuring CCS Consortium will host an online Final Event The ambitious EU-financed Pilot Project titled “Measuring the Cultural...
An Updated and Unified Framework for CCS Statistics Webinar
facebooktwitterinstagramlinkedin"An Updated and Unified Framework for CCS Statistics" Webinar The meeting of the Working Group on Culture Statistics “Measuring Culture and Creative Sectors in the EU...
Summary contributions of Measuring CCS’ Hackathon are now available!
facebooktwitterinstagramlinkedinSummary contributions of Measuring CCS Hackathon are now available! Coming out of the recently concluded Hackathon on November 29th, 2021, the Measuring CCS team...
Announcing the members of Measuring CCS Advisory Board
Announcing the members of Measuring CCS Advisory BoardThe Measuring CCS Consortium is pleased to count on a strong supportive Advisory Board composed of a selected group of people combining the...
Message from Measuring CCS’s Principal Project Coordinator: Susana Justo
Message from Measuring CCS’s Principal Project Coordinator: Susana JustoThe Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) has undergone very significant changes in recent years, driven mainly by technological...
Get to know the project: 5 W’s of Measuring CCS
Get to know the project: 5 W's of Measuring CCS What: Measuring CCS is a project set to improve and enhance the growth, inclusivity and sustainability of the CCIs in the EU. Overall, the ambitious...