“An Updated and Unified Framework for CCS Statistics” Webinar

The meeting of the Working Group on Culture Statistics “Measuring Culture and Creative Sectors in the EU Preliminary Results from the Project” took place online on Wednesday, July 6th, 2022. 

The main objective of the meeting was to discuss, as a preliminary consideration, the denominations for CCS and the proposal to capture “Cultural and Creative Sectors”, the methodology for the update of the Cultural Statistics Framework and the recommended criteria for classifying cultural and creative activities. It provided an opportunity to gather the feedback of the relevant statistical experts in the Cultural and Creative Sector, together with the Eurostat’s Working Group on Culture Statistics and representatives of the European Commission. 

In total, 60 experts participated in the Webinar, including high level representation from the EU’s 27 member states, officials from Ministries of Culture, cultural and creative institutions and statistics experts.   

The Webinar session successfully generated a collection of valuable inputs from knowledgeable and varied participants. This contribution will significantly support the final adjustment of the project, which has a great potential to become a pillar for future work on cultural statistics for the member states and the EU in general.